Title: The Five W’s of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Author: Erica Adams
Grade: 1-3
NE Standards:
1.1.5 By the end of first grade, students will respond to literature.
Materials: Goldilocks and the Three Bears, easel paper and crayons or Markers
Anticipatory Set: Begin by asking the students what they would do if they found a stranger had been in their house. Listen to the feedback and tell them to listen closely to the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". While reading the story, stop and ask what will happen next and why.
Vocabulary: strangers, the 5 W’s
Provisions for special needs:
Closure: Review with the students the three elements of problem solving: 1) identify the problem; 2) produce ideas, and 3) evaluating and implementing solutions. Relate these elements back to "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".
Assessment: This should be done throughout the lesson by assessing student participation during the discussion of the fairy tale. The number of ideas (solutions) students contributed to help solve the bears’ problems.
References: The Lesson Plans Page, by Colleen Barrett, article by Jerry Flack
Reflection: (on back of page)