Title: Appetizing Adjectives

Author: Erica Adams

Grade: 4-8

NE Standards:

4.2.2 By the end of the fourth grade, students will write compositions with a clear focus, logically related ideas, and adequate supporting detail.


The students will be able to identify adjectives.

The students will be able to effectively use adjectives in writing.


-restaurant menus



-computer with a word processor (if available)


Anticipatory Set: Talk about how menus, advertisements and other things use descriptive word to make things sound better to people. Describe other situation where people use descriptions to make it sound better. Salesmen are good examples of these types of people. See if the student can come up with their own example or even some of the times that they have used this technique

Vocabulary: adjectives- descriptive word


  1. Give students a restaurant menu
  2. Have the students brainstorm adjectives that will describe the food items.
  3. Have the children write a short description using the adjectives that they came up with during the brainstorming session.
  4. Have the students underline the adjectives that they used
  5. Have the students illustrate their menus on a computer or on construction paper.

Provision for special needs: pair up student so abilities vary.

Closure: Share menu creations with the class.

Assessment: Students should be assessed on accuracy (are the underlined words adjectives?), and creativity (did they use descriptive words, was their menu’s appearance appealing?). Rubric will be helpful to both teacher and students.

References: AskEric, by: Shakeima Pinckney

Reflection: (on back of page)