Title: Weekend Interviews
Author: Erica Adams
Grade: 4th
NE standards:
4.4 Listening
4.4.1 By the end of the fourth grade, students will gain information or complete tasks by listening.
Student demonstrations:
Listen to information and take notes to improve comprehension.
Listen to and follow multiple-step oral directions.
Use active listening, showing consideration of others' contributions to discussions.
Objectives: Students will:
improve listening skill by holding oral conversations with other students
Materials: none
Anticipatory Set: I am sure that you all had exciting weekends and so we are going to share those stories with another student. You can share whatever appropriate stories you want, but make them understandable to your listening partner. Make sure you listen carefully to what your partner did so that you can relate to the class what they did.
Vocabulary: none
Activities: Start off with this activity on a Monday morning. Children are only permitted to talk to the child sitting next to them. Their topic is ‘my weekend’. One student must tell their partner about their weekend. After 3 minutes, change storyteller. At the end of 6 minutes each class member is permitted one minute to retell as many activities as they can remember in which their partner did during the weekend. Each partner verifies for accuracy of the stories. Then each class member will relate to the class what their listening partner did that weekend.
Provisions for special needs: allow weaker children to report first so that they can stay focused on what they need to tell not what every one else has already related.
Closure: ask children if they enjoyed the activity and what might make it better.
References: Teacher’s Desk; A. Ackley by: Liz
Reflection: (on back of page)